Integrated Pollution and Prevention Control in Macedonia – IPPC in Macedonia

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In January 2014, Center for Climate Change and Norwegian Company Norsk Energi started to work on the new project Integrated Pollution and Prevention Control in Macedonia.

The project is continuation of previous project „Ѕtrengthening the capacities of Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning for IPPC and Hazardous Waste Management.

Main aim of the project is to improve management of industrial emissions by adjusting legislative framework and increasing the environmental competence in authorities, non-governmental organizations and industry. The project activities aims at improved compliance with EU regulations and directives as outlined in the EU Commission Annual Progress Report for the Republic of Macedonia, and Macedonia to be prepared for the environmental requirements of accession into the European Union.

The project activities are within the National Plan for Adoption of the Acquis Communautaire 2012 for Macedonia and are aiming at capacity building and increasing the competence among key IPPC stakeholders; environmental authorities, local industry (with main focus on energy and metallurgy sector) and civil society represented by non-governmental organizations and technical assistance for writing of new or revising of already issued permits which has caused public debates.

The industrial sites chosen as cases will be determined in the inception phase of the project. Assistance will be provided for preparation of at least 2 IPPC permits, in order to increase the capacity of the staff writing permits.