Promotion waste management and energy efficiency practices in the cross border region (PWM-EE)

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In November 2014, Center for Climate Change Skopje, Branch Office Gevgelija has signed the contract for implementation of the project “Promotion Waste Management and Energy Efficiency Practices in the Cross Border Region”, funded under the IPA Programme for Cross Border Cooperation Macedonia – Bulgaria, with duration of 1 year.

The project is implemented together with Bulgarian Association of ecological energy from Blagoevgrad, with main aim to promote energy efficiency and environmental activities in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the cross border region, in order reducing the negative impact from their economic activities.

As part of the project it is envisaged to be implemented following activities:

  • Developing a joint study for SMEs from the Cross Border Region
  • Developing data base for companies active in cross border region
  • Capacity building programme for pollution prevention – Trainings for energy and waste management
  • Round table discussions on exchanging experiences in the cross border region
  • Developing studies for resource management and pollution prevention, 10 in total
  • Developing and printing Manual for waste management
  • Developing web portal for business community
  • Public awareness campaign for increasing awareness about negative environmental and climate change impact from production processes of the active companies in the cross border region

The project focuses on the Southeast region of Macedonia and region of Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria and responsible organization for its implementation is the Branch Office “Center for Climate Change” – Gevgelija.