Center for Climate Change, Gevgelija, started to implement the project “Increase Innovative Business in Sea, Environment & Agriculture and IT (IBiSEAit)”.
The project is supported and co-financed by the European Union and the National Funds of the Participating Countries in the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program between Greece – Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020 “(CCI: 2014TC16I5CB009) and has a total budget of 45.000.000,00 EUR.
IBiSEAit – project is implemented on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia (Southwest and South- East region ) and on the territory of the Republic of Greece ( Thessaloniki Municipality and Florina Municipality).
Partners of the project:
Lead partner: Greek Association of IT, Telecom Applications and New Technologies Companies (R. Greece )
Project partner 2: Municipality of Thermaikos (Greece)
Project partner 3: Municipality ff Lagadas (Greece)
Project partner 4: Management and Administration Authority Technopolis Thessalonikis Sa ( Greece)
Project partner 5: Center for Climate Change – Gevgelija (Macedonia)
Project partner 6: GS1 Macedonia (Macedonia)
Duration of the project: 18 months (10.05.2018- 09.11.2019)
The goal of the project is to strengthen entrepreneurship in the cross-border area between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece, through the establishment of incubators. The project aims to establish new individuals, companies in the area of the sea, agriculture and the environment, and strengthen the existing ones.
New entrepreneurs and already existing ones will have the opportunity to acquire professional training through mentorship and consulting for entrepreneurship within the incubators, which will enable them to better manage the legal, administrative and financial difficulties in the field of entrepreneurship.
Within the project, the following activities will be realized:
– Creating a website for the project
– Study to explore the incubator financing tools
– Forming a network between incubators to support entrepreneurship
– Organizing conferences for promotion of the incubator network
– Preparation of technical documentation and renovation of an existing infrastructure for opening an incubator
– Organizing informative and educational seminars for entrepreneurs
– Organizing a final conference on the achieved results of the project
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